



北大博雅青年学者、北大国发院经济学副教授(长聘)、教育部长江青年学者、北大国发院副院长。张丹丹毕业于澳大利亚国立大学,获经济学博士学位。张丹丹的研究领域为劳动经济学、应用计量经济学和实验经济学。她的研究主要关注中国城乡移民,特别是大规模外来劳动力流动带来的经济和社会影响,目前已有多篇学术论文发表在中、英文顶级期刊上。近年来,张丹丹深入研究中国的“流动人口与犯罪”问题,组织开展了监狱内的服刑人员调查,构建了我国首个犯罪微观数据库。利用该数据,其合作论文“中国性别比失衡与犯罪”被国际经济学顶级期刊economic journal接受。此外,张丹丹尝试探索实验经济学的研究方法,其与合作者分析“意识形态变革对男女竞争性行为影响”的实验研究,被国际经济学顶级期刊economic journal无修改意见接受发表。她未来的研究将继续使用经济学的定量研究方法探讨社会问题的制度及文化原因。

北大博雅青年学者、北大国发院经济学副教授(长聘)、教育部长江青年学者、北大国发院副院长。张丹丹毕业于澳大利亚国立大学,获经济学博士学位。张丹丹的研究领域为劳动经济学、应用计量经济学和实验经济学。她的研究主要关注中国城乡移民,特别是大规模外来劳动力流动带来的经济和社会影响,目前已有多篇学术论文发表在中、英文顶级期刊上。近年来,张丹丹深入研究中国的“流动人口与犯罪”问题,组织开展了监狱内的服刑人员调查,构建了我国首个犯罪微观数据库。利用该数据,其合作论文“中国性别比失衡与犯罪”被国际经济学顶级期刊economic journal接受。此外,张丹丹尝试探索实验经济学的研究方法,其与合作者分析“意识形态变革对男女竞争性行为影响”的实验研究,被国际经济学顶级期刊economic journal无修改意见接受发表。她未来的研究将继续使用经济学的定量研究方法探讨社会问题的制度及文化原因。

劳动经济学 、应用计量经济学 、实验经济学、 健康经济学


1. “does being ‘left--behind’ in childhood lead to criminality in adulthood? evidence from data on rural-urban migrants and prison inmates in china”, journal of economic behavior and organization, forthcoming (with lisa cameron and xin meng)

2. “the direct and intergenerational behavioural consequences of a socio-political upheaval”, journal of economic behavior and organization, 2022, 200931-958 (with alison booth, elliott fan and xin meng)

3. “short- and medium-term impacts of lockdowns on non-covid-19 mortality in china”, nature human behaviour, 2022,6:55-63 (with jinlei qi, xiang zhang, george f. gao, guojun he and maigeng zhou)

4. “the impact of lockdown policies on labor market outcomes of the chinese labor force in 2020: evidence based on an employee tracking survey”, china economic quarterly international, 2022, 1(4):344-361

5. “impact of air pollution on labor productivity: evidence from prison factory data”, china economic quarterly international, 2021, 1:148-159 (with shuai chen)

6. “the evolution of the wage gap between rural migrants and the urban labour force in chinese cities”, australian journal of agricultural and resource economics, 2020, :55-81.

7. “china's sex ratio and crime: behavioural change or financial necessity?” (with lisa cameron and xin meng), economic journal, 2019, volume 129, 618(1): 790-820.

8. “gender differences in willingness to compete: the role of culture and institutions” (with alison booth, elliott fan and xin meng), economic journal, 2019, volume 129, 618(1): 734-764.

9. “measuring tfp of australian agriculture industry with national account data: an international consistent method” (with yu sheng, tom jackson, and shiji zhao), review of income and wealth, 2016, 63(s1):s169-s193.

10. “coresidency, ethnicity, and happiness of china’s rural elders” (with rachal connelly, michael iannotti, and margaret maurer-fazio), eurasian geography and economics, 2015, 56 (1):70 – 88.

11. “education inequality between rural and urban china, migrants’ children education and some implications” (with xin li and jinjun xue), asian development review, 2015, 32(1):1-29.

12. “a comparison of reform-era labor force participation rates of china's ethnic minorities and han majority” (with margaret maurer-fazio and james hughes), international journal of manpower, 2010, 31(2): 138-162.

13. “an ocean formed from one hundred rivers: the effects of ethnicity, gender, marriage, and location on labor force participation in urban china” (with margaret maurer-fazio and james w. hughes), feminist economics, 2007, 13(34): 125-153.

14. “input substitution, productivity performance and farm size” (with keith fuglie, alistair davidson, and yu sheng), australian journal of agricultural and resource economics, 2016, 60(3): 327–347.

15. “energy trade efficiency and its determinants: a malmquist index approach” (with yu sheng, yanrui wu, and xunpeng shi), energy economics, 2015, 50:306–314.

16. “productivity and farm size in australian agriculture: reinvestigating the returns to scale” (with yu sheng, shiji zhao, katarina nossal), australian journal of agricultural and resource economics, 2014, 59:16-38.

17. “economic growth, regional disparities and energy demand in china—implication for energy market integration in east asia” (with yu sheng, xunpeng shi), energy policy, 2014, 71:31-39.

18. “comprehensive measurement of energy market integration in east asia: an application of dynamic principal component analysis” (with xunpeng shi, yu sheng), energy economics, 2015, 52:299-305.

19. “public investment in agricultural r&d and extension: an analysis of the effects on australian broadacre productivity” (with chunlai chen, yu sheng), china agricultural economic review, 2015, 7(1):86-101.


1. 中央环保督察与新建企业投资:来自全样本企业注册数据的证据”,《世界经济》, 2022,1: 110-132 (与王敏、李硕合作)

2. 新冠疫情对我国劳动力市场的影响:基于个体追踪调查的全面分析”,《经济研究》,2021, 2: 4-21.(与蔡昉,刘雅玄合作)

3. “从‘医疗挤兑’到‘普惠医疗’:武汉疫情防控策略转变的效应分析”,《经济学报》,2021,8(2):107-131. (与黄金迪、罗楚亮合作)

4. 空气污染与劳动生产率——基于监狱数据的实证分析” ,《经济学(季刊)》,2020, 19(4): 171-190. (与陈帅合作)

5. “产业园区转型升级过程中的政府职能定位”,《宏观经济管理》,2019, 7(427):55-72. (与杜罗莎,陈驰合作)

6. 最低工资、流动人口失业与犯罪”,《经济学(季刊)》, 2018, 17(3):1035-1054. (与李力行, 童晨合作)

7. 农民工犯罪类型的决定因素”,《经济学(季刊)》,2014, 14(1):83-112. (与王也, xin meng 和lisa cameron合作)

8. 市场化与性别工资差异研究”,《中国人口科学》,2004(1):32-41。


1. “中资企业对埃塞俄比亚投资的机遇和挑战:基于政治经济发展视角的分析”,刘海方等主编《中国非洲研究评论》,社会科学文献出版社,2021年12月(与王敏、李晨阳、林雪芬合作)

2. “实验研究方法在经济学实证研究中的应用”,林毅夫等著《经济学第一课》,中信出版集团,2021年6月

3. 第5章:城乡劳动力流动”,姚洋主编《中国经济学四十年》,商务印书馆,2019年12月

4. “3.4 新结构经济学在劳动经济领域的新视角与新应用 张丹丹:中国的人力资源禀赋的问题 评论与问答”,林毅夫、付才辉、王勇主编《新结构经济学新在何处》,北京大学出版社,2016年3月

5. 第9章:流动人口社会融合的性别差异:工资融合模型”,张莉琴、杜凤莲、董晓媛主编《社会性别与经济发展:经验研究方法》,中国社会科学出版社,2012年5月

6. 《中国劳动力流动与就业形势分析报告》,中国社会科学出版社,2018年

7. “the global financial crisis and rural-urban migration” (with xin meng and tao kong), in ross garnaut, ligang song and wing thye woo (eds), china update, brookings institution press, 2010, 241-268.

8. “impact of economic slowdown on migrant workers” (with xin meng and tao kong), in ross garnaut, ligang song and wing thye woo (eds), china update, brookings institution press, 2009, 233-260.

9. 第5章、7章和9章,蔡昉、张车伟、都阳主编《人口与劳动绿皮书2002年:中国人口与劳动问题报告——城乡就业问题与对策》,社会科学文献出版社,2002


1. “air pollution, worker productivity and consumption: evidence from prison labors”, august 2022 (with shuai chen and min wang)

2. covid-19 pandemic and labor market disparities between gender: evidence from employees’ tracking survey of china in 2020, august 2022 (with yaxuan liu and yiling zhao)

3. “protests: an unintended consequence of rising minimum wages”, august 2022 (with shiyun hu, hongyi jiang, and yuan qin)

4. “income inequality in the covid-19 medication: evidence from wuhan”, august 2022 (with xiao liu, mngxiang zhang)

5. “the unbearable lightness of being: impacts of covid-19 pandemic on suicide mortality in china”, august 2022 (with guojun he, xiang zhang, hongbo li, jinlei qi and maigeng zhou)

6. covid-19 vaccination and non-covid-19 mortality in china, august 2022 (with hongbo li, jinlei qi and maigeng zhou)

7. “潮起潮落:中国机器人兴起”,20228月(与李泓孛合作)

8. “工作远程可能性与冲击效应的分化”,20228(与訾亦然、罗楚亮合作)

9. “preferred sons are ‘rotten’: giving to one’s parents in the lab in china”, 2020 (with maria porter and xiaobo zhang)

10. “urban wage responses to rural migrant inflow: china, 1990 to 2010”, 2018 (with xin meng)

11. “a spatial autoregressive hurdle model with group structure: application to peer effects on smoking behavior”, 2018 (with guang zeng)

12. “the social impact of rural-urban migration on urban ‘natives’”, 2018 (with xin meng)
