欧阳教授在美国福特汉姆大学商学院和北京大学国家发展研究院bimba商学院讲授企业转型与升级、战略思维、企业创新等课程。欧阳教授两次被美国福坦姆大学商学院评为“最受欢迎教授”,获得最佳教学奖。欧阳教授曾任第一财经频道顾问和《头脑风暴》节目评论员、美国hager 投资公司、中国经济周刊北美版主编。
欧阳教授是企业转型和创新投资领域的专家,他的论文发表在 research policy, international journal of technology management, thunderbird international business review, european journal of management等知名管理刊物上,他的论文“由模仿到创新的s曲线和鸿沟”已成为中国企业转型升级研究的核心文献之一。
在mba教授课程《innovation management》
phd, yale university
mba, cornell university
professor ouyang has provided executive training and consulting to many world-class companies such as ge, caterpillar, pfizer, novartis, telefonica, china unicom, huawei, citic bank,glaceau, gd&zs, sanyuan group, etc.
professor ouyang was voted the best professor twice at fordham university and won teaching award in 2006 and 2008. his courses at bimba were also well received by both mba students and executives.