

robert boute


robert boute is associate professor operations management at vlerick business school. he teaches operations and supply chain management in the degree programs at vlerick (both full time and executive mba). furthermore he teaches in executive education and customised programmes. he is the academic director of the full time mba programme at vlerick.

robert re…

robert boute is associate professor operations management at vlerick business school. he teaches operations and supply chain management in the degree programs at vlerick (both full time and executive mba). furthermore he teaches in executive education and customised programmes. he is the academic director of the full time mba programme at vlerick.

robert received his phd from kuleuven, belgium and was visiting professor at kellogg school of management in chicago (northwestern university). he is active as board member of pics belgium (the production inventory and control society).

robert’s research focuses on supply chain dynamics (the bullwhip effect), inventory management and production smoothing models. in 2008 he received the best paper award in production planning & control for his paper on a win-win solution for the bullwhip problem.

associate professor of operations management

executive mba masters in general management executive master class in supply chain management masters in financial management executive development programme: international managers

operations management

ph.d. in applied economics, katholieke universiteit leuven, belgium
master in commercial engineering,university k.u.leuven, leuven, belgium
exchange student in the erasmus programme, autumn university of zurich, zurich, switzerland


articles in refereed journals with impact

  • disney s. lambrecht m. van houdt b.2014. coordinating lead times and safety stocks under autocorrelated demand. european journal of operational research, 232(1): 52-63.

  • noblesse a. lambrecht m. van houdt b.2014. characterizing order processes of continuous review (s,s) and (r,nq) policies. european journal of operational research, 236(2): 534-547.

  • lambrecht m. creemers s. leus r.2012. extending the production dice game. international journal of operations and production management, 32(12): 1460-1472.

  • 2011. organising for supply chain management. international journal of logistics research and applications, 14(5): 297-315.

  • disney s. lambrecht m. van houdt b.2009. designing replenishment rules in a two-echelon supply chain with a flexible or an inflexible capacity strategy. international journal of production economics, 119(1): 187-198.

  • disney s. lambrecht m. van houdt b.2008. a win-win solution for the bullwhip problem. production planning & control, 19(7): 702-711.

  • disney s. lambrecht m. van houdt b.2007. an integrated production and inventory model to dampen upstream demand variability in the supply chain. european journal of operational research, 178(1): 121-142.

  • lambrecht m. van houdt b.2007. performance evaluation of a production/inventory system with periodic review and endogenous lead times. naval research logistics, 54(4): 462-473.

  • demeulemeester e. herroelen w.2004. a real options approach to project management. international journal of production research, 42(9): 1715-1725.

articles in other (un)refereed journals

  • forthcoming. cost management in the supply chain: an integrated approach. cost management,

  • dejonckheere j. disney s. van de velde w.2012. bullwhip in a multi-product production setting. review of business and economic literature, 57(3): 354-380.

  • colen p. creemers s. noblesse a. van houdt b.2012. matrix-analytic methods in supply chain management: recent developments. review of business and economic literature, 57(3): 283-301.

  • 2011. organising the supply chain department.

  • 2011. organising for supply chain management – one size fits all?.

  • 2011. wanted: supply chain manager (m/f) – strong set of skills required.

  • lambrecht m.2009. exploring the bullwhip effect by means of spreadsheet simulation. informs transactions on education, 10(1): 1-9.

  • rice m.2009. supply chain leadership skills. logistics & transport focus, 11(1): 54-55.

  • 2007. impact of replenishment rules with endogenous lead times. 4or - a quarterly journal of operations research, 5(3): 261-264.

  • lambrecht m. lambrechts o. sterckx p.2007. sectoriële prestaties en financiële impact van het voorraadbeheer in belgië. kwartaalschrift economie, 4(3): 297-313.

  • lambrecht m.2007. altruistic behavior in supply chain management. tijdschrift voor economie en management, 52(3): 499-513.

  • lambrecht m. lambrechts o.2004. did just-in-time management effectively decrease inventory ratios in belgium?. tijdschrift voor economie en management, xlix(3): 441-456.

book chapters

  • desmet d. 2011. europese distributiecentra in vlaanderen: typologie en toekomstperspectieven. in: jaarboek 2011 van het steunpunt ondernemen en internationaal ondernemen (pp. 233-263).

  • serneels s. 2008. organizing for supply chain management. in: van der vaart t. van donk d. tradition and innovation in operations management

  • lambrecht m. lambrechts o.2005. (dis)functionele voorraden - het strategische belang van voorraden. (pp. 146-148). vlaamse management associatie.


serneels s.2009. supply chain managers: who needs them?.
