janamatthews集团的创始者兼ceo,jana matthews,提出的公司发展初期的授权五等级
等级1- 做报告
等级2 – 推荐
等级3 – 活动计划:
等级4 - 决策与执行
您的员工在不断增多-因此需要更多的人去领导和管理他们。在一个快速发展的公司中,执行官没有时间,也不能花时间去思考雇用新的经理,而是要把精力放在对公司有巨大影响的事情上。通过对新兴领导以及一线主管进行领导力和管理知识的培训,jana matthews group emerging leaders项目有助于他们胜任于工作岗位
在我们看来,与当今大多数可用培训资源的不同的是,emerging leaders项目是专门为那些发展中的公司所面临的各种挑战而设计的。我们的的项目简洁明了(每一个主题最多不会超过一个小时)基于网络的,易学的,可以帮助您提高一些知识和技巧,使您可以提拔优秀的管理者。每个模块都可以成为您的战略学习计划的一部分,这里包括视频,也包括课后作业,案例学习,小测验,以及一连串的新点子。
目前和将要在emerging leaders系列中开设的项目有:
更多的关于emerging leaders培训系列培训,请拨打电话(303)666-5511于richard adams或者访问网页点击下面的链接
click here to learn more about the emerging leaders series.
jana matthews简历
jana matthews博士,jana matthews group的创始者和ceo,是在企业领导和业务增长方面的专家。总部设在科罗拉多州玻尔得,她和遍布全国的公司主管发掘增长潜力的公司。作为三个公司的创办者,jane还是在提升增长速度,构建权威体系,吸取边缘资金的专家。
jana matthews group为发展中的公司提供服务和工程方面的咨询。他们的工作是与ceo和执行官们集中创建灵活的,创新的企业;培养高素质的员工;以及达到并保持长期增长和持续盈利。更多信息,请登录
the five levels of delegation: the early stages
by jana matthews, founder & ceo, the jana matthews group
delegation requires time and trust to effectively transfer responsibilities to your employees. with my five levels of delegation, you gradually hand over responsibilities for a given task to an employee. you'll be able to see progress (or lack of progress, before it's too late!) and build trust that your employee is up for the task.
think of the five levels as a set of benchmarks. each new level builds on the previous levels, and adds additional responsibilities.
level 1 - the report:
this first step asks an employee to collect information regarding the task, but keeps the decision-making and control in your hands. you need to assess their information gathering skills before you can accurately assess their decision making. start all employees here - even veterans. (your best employees will move to higher levels quickly.)
level 2 - the recommendation:
asking your employee to create a recommendation for action is the next step. once you are comfortable that your employee knows how to gather data and information, you can test their decision making skills. however, you retain control of the decision.
level 3 - the action plan:
at this level, you'll ask the employee to adapt their recommendation into an action plan that addresses its impact on others: vendors, customers, and colleagues. if you approve the plan, you will still be responsible for implementation, although it's a good time to coach your employee on implementation strategies and problem solving.
at this point in the five levels of delegation, you've handed over basic steps of a task to your employee, but you've also tested their abilities to comprehend the overall task. as they gain your trust, you can consider them for the final two levels, which we'll address in the next janamail:
* level 4 - decision making & implementation
* level 5 - full delegation
remember: your employee should move to the next level only when he or she has mastered the current level. don't try to fast-track someone who's not up to the job.
for a deeper look at all five levels of delegation, including tips on how to delegate at each level, visit our website and.
in the next janamail:
we'll look at the highest levels of delegation and offer some final thoughts on successful delegation.
announcing the emerging leaders training series
you need people to grow - and more people to lead and manage them. executives in fast-growing companies don't have the time - or take the time - to get newly hired (or promoted) managers up-to-speed on all of the key issues that will impact them.
the jana matthews group emerging leaders programs can deliver leadership and management training for emerging leaders and first-line managers that will drive their success in your company.
unlike the majority of training resources available today, our emerging leaders programs are designed specifically with the challenges of a growing business in mind. our programs are succinct (less than an hour is required for each topic,) web-based, available 24/7, and designed to help you develop the skills and knowledge that your people need to be successful managers and leaders of your company. each module can be readily incorporated into your organizational learning strategy, and includes video and audio segments, as well as take-aways, case studies, a quiz, and a set of key idea refreshers.
current and upcoming programs in the emerging leaders series include:
* learning the five levels of delegation
* using performance and values to assess employees
* the performance appraisal process
* developing departmental plans
* values and culture: walking the talk
for more information about our emerging leaders training series, call richard adams at (303) 666-5511 or visit the link below.
about jana matthews
dr. jana matthews, founder and ceo of the jana matthews group, is an international expert on entrepreneurial leadership and business growth. based in boulder, colorado, she works with corporate executives all over the country to unlock the growth potential of their companies. the founder of three companies, jana is the co-author of leading at the speed of growth, building the awesome organization, and lessons from the edge.
about the jana matthews group
the jana matthews group provides consulting services and programs for growing companies. their work with ceos and executive teams focuses on building flexible, innovative companies; developing high performance employees; and achieving and sustaining long-term growth and continued profitability. for more information, visit.